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Voice Search SEO
November 14, 2022

Everything You Need to Know About Voice Search SEO

Hold onto your white hats; 2023 will be an even bigger year for voice search SEO. We've been watching voice search SEO for the past few years. With the recent (and significant) Google Algorithm update from August 2022, understanding and implementing voice search SEO will be crucial to dominating your market.

"Google, What is Voice Search SEO?"

Voice search optimization setting up and streamlining your business's website for voice search in addition to text. Voice search SEO works to have your website and pages answer the questions people ask through devices. These devices could be Alexa, Google Home, Apple, and more. Questions people use voice search for vary, but some common types of questions are:

  • Looking for the closest place to eat
  • Asking a math question (here's to looking at you, parents with teenagers)
  • Checking the latest news
  • Looking for a specialist like a doctor, lawyer, or personal trainer
  • And more

"Alexa, Is Voice Search Optimization Important for Websites?"

Yes, voice search optimization is crucial. By 2024 the number of digital voice assistants will reach 8.4 billion units. This number is higher than the world's population. (Search Engine Journal). Additionally,

  • 58% of consumers use voice search to find information about a local business
  • 75% of voice search results rank in the top three positions for a particular question on a desktop search

These statistics should show how important getting your law firm's website voice optimized is.

"Hey, Siri- Who is the Best Injury Lawyer in Vancouver, WA?"

Call us crazy, but if you're an injury law firm and you're NOT focusing on voice search SEO, you're doing a disservice to your clients. Many of your clients are, you guessed it, injured- and using the phone or even computer can be difficult. When someone's arms or fingers are injured, voice search SEO will help them easily find you.

"Hey, Sydekar- How Do I Optimize My Website for Voice Search?"

Voice Search SEO

There are many ways to optimize your website for voice search. If you're already a client of ours, you have probably noticed these changes being made. If you're not a client, here's what we recommend:

Have a Mobile Friendly Website

A mobile-friendly website is still just as important as it was five years ago. Anyone with a smartphone can use voice search to look for your services.

Ask, and Answer Questions

Voice search is incredibly good at answering specific questions. However, don't just ask (and answer) anything. You want to make sure you're asking questions people are asking.

Use Natural Language and Long-Tail Keywords

At Sydekar, we take a hard look at the data surrounding your personal injury law firm and know precisely what your audience is asking.
Long-tail keywords are longer-form phrases, words, or questions indicating the searcher has already gathered information and is ready to "buy." Here are a few examples of these long-tail keywords:

  • How Do Personal Injury Lawyers Get Paid?
  • What Damages Can I Get From a Truck Accident Injury?
  • How Much Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Charge?

These long-tail keywords suggest the searcher has gathered enough information to know what terms to use (personal injury lawyer) and that they are ready to convert.

Be Up To Date and Accurate

If your phone number changes or a new law is implemented, you will want to address that and ensure your website is up to date. Nobody wants to learn outdated information or call a disconnected phone number.

Have a Robust FAQ Page

An FAQ page is a great way to ask and answer questions. From fee questions to processes- you can help ease the searcher's mind by asking everything they're wondering. In addition, having an FAQ page- and even supporting pages- will help all the voice searches find your website: the more questions, the better.
Remember what you were taught in school- who, what, when, where, how, and why.

Keep Your Content Easy to Read

Did you know that most Americans read at a 6th to 8th-grade reading level? With search engines wanting to appeal to the masses, your content needs to be simple and to the point. Here are a few tips on how to do that:

  • Keep sentences short
  • Keep paragraphs short
  • Use headers
  • Use simple and easy-to-understand words

Keep Your Site Speed Lightening Fast

We are impatient beings that want our answer a few seconds before we even ask them. A slow-loading website will send the bots to another website that can better and quickly answer the question that was asked. So don't be left in the dark because of a slow-loading website.

Partner with Sydekar Digital Marketing

At Sydekar, we come alongside you and your law firm to help put your website at the top of the search results. We don't want to rank your website just because we can- we care about those that have been wronged and want them in safe hands as they seek justice. Reach out to Sydekar to learn how we can help.

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