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Law Firm PPC
November 5, 2022

Law Firm PPC- Everything You Need To Know

It's no secret that your law firm’s website is vital in today's ultra-competitive market. From personal injury lawyers to employment law, every law office knows they need a website that ranks and converts. However, organic ranking is one part of a robust digital marketing strategy.  Having a law firm PPC (pay-per-click) campaign is the other crucial aspect of digital marketing for law firms.

What is Pay Per Click (PPC) for Law Firm Marketing?

Law Firm PPC

PPC for a law firm, or any business, is when the business pays per click on an ad. For example, if you had ads on Google for a "personal injury lawyer" and 500 people clicked on it, you would pay for each click. How much that keyword is per click depends on many variables- the most important being how competitive the word is. Some keywords are one dollar per click, and others can be hundreds.

What are the Advantages of PPC for Your Law Firm?

In traditional advertising, your firm must pay ad costs upfront. With pay-per-click, your firm pays only when a person clicks on your ad. Those ads target individuals actively seeking legal help in your firm’s expertise area and your region. As a result, pay-per-click ads can reach possible clients on a tremendous scale.

Performance-Based PPC for Law Firms

While a pay per clicks campaign is somewhat expensive, your firm’s return on investment may be huge. Good law firm PPC marketing involves geotargeting, which uses keywords to narrow the area to reach new clients. For example, if your firm’s practice is small, the campaign might target zip codes within 50 miles. On the other hand, a large firm may want to geotarget potential clients statewide or in multiple states.

PPC Ad Tips For Legal Marketing

Here are a few tips to keep in mind while running a PPC campaign.

Don't Forget Social Media

Don’t limit your pay-per-click advertising only to Google. Twitter, Facebook, and similar social media sites are ideal places for your pay-per-click marketing campaign.

Watch the ROI

Closely monitor your pay-per-click ad return on investment. The basic formula is that for every ten clicks, your firm receives contact from a client. Granted, this is an average, but you want to ensure your website is designed for conversion for the highest ROI possible. If your results for client contact are far off the mean, reevaluate your pay-per-click game plan or engage in significant website changes.

Make Sure Your Website Converts using Compassion and Passion

Whether you have the ads point to a single landing page or your company website, you want to make sure the content and visual experience educates the visitors and converts them.  You want compassionate verbiage on your website, understanding your website visitors are victims, yet aggressive rhetoric so they can trust you will advocate for them.

Why Hire SydeKar Digital Marketing for Law Firm PPC?

At Sydekar Digital Marketing, we make it our responsibility to care about your clients just as much as you do. We view our business relationship as a partnership, coming alongside you as a co-pilot. Your clients are victims that have been wronged and are vulnerable, and they deserve a law firm that will fight for them. Having robust lawyer SEO and a powerful law firm PPC campaign will keep your potential clients from going to your competitors and ensure they receive the highest quality of care.

Digital Marketing Services

We offer a multitude of digital marketing services for personal injury law firms. Just some of them are:

Call Sydekar Digital Marketing

Working with an agency specializing in marketing for law firms for your pay-per-click advertising will ensure a successful campaign. Law firm marketing agencies know the correct keywords and structure to market your pay-per-click campaign successfully. Hire Sydekar Digital Marketing to come alongside you.

Get in touch

Want to know more? Feel free to set up a free consultation here:

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