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law firm SEO
November 11, 2022

Why Every Lawyer Needs Law Firm SEO

Here's the thing- you didn't get into the practice of law so you could design websites, write blogs, list your firm on the hundreds of citation websites, or fix that 404 code. You became an attorney to protect the rights of American citizens and hold harmful companies, people, or product makers accountable. Honestly, you're way cooler than we'll ever be. However, you need cases. You want cases. So how do you get cases? How do you ensure you get cases and not that slimy ambulance chaser attorney down the road? Our latest blog will explain why every law firm needs an experienced SEO agency. And we're talking experienced in SEO and the practice of law.

Here are the 5 Reasons Why Law Firm SEO is Crucial

We can give you more than five reasons if we want to, but we know you're busy fighting for your clients when nobody else would. So let's explain why every lawyer (that's you!) needs a robust law firm SEO strategy.

1. So You Don't Have to Chase Potential Clients

In fact, we recommend you don't chase potential clients as some states have laws against that (this is not legal advice). When you hire a law firm SEO agency like Sydekar, the cases will come to you. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is meant to capture people looking for your services and bring them to your website.

2. A Law Firm SEO Agency Understands Keyword Strategy

One of the skills that sets Sydekar apart from the rest is our keyword strategy for law firms. Keywords are words or phrases someone puts into a search engine (like Google) looking for services or products. However, it's not black and white. There's a different type of keyword for every part of the "buyer" journey, and it's crucial to capture people in all phases.

For the "gathering information" phase, keywords tend to be more vague and short, like "lawyer."  This is a great way to capture leads and educate them, building trust.

However, as the "buyer" learns more about their needs, their terms advance and become more specific. A great example of this is "personal injury lawyer." Someone using this keyword has done some research and is ready to make a decision.

An experienced law firm SEO agency will capture people in the information-gathering phase, decision-making, and all the in-betweens.

3. Content Content Content

Once you have the keywords targeted, it's time to get busy writing content for your law firm. Every page and blog requires a certain amount of content to rank. We will write thousands of words for your law firm monthly to support the keywords we decided to target. Not only do we write 100% unique content, but we edit and optimize it, so it ranks and converts.  The goal is to rank your law firm's website and convert your new website visitors. We do this with content that is:

  • Educational
  • Compassionate
  • Powerful
  • Unique
  • Optimized
  • and Convincing

4. Optimized Citations That Make the Phone Ring

Citations are those pesky listing websites like Google Business Profile, Bing, AVVO,, and more. Call us crazy, but we don't see a point in having all those listings if they don't do something to make the phone ring or email ding. Part of our law firm's SEO strategy is optimizing citations, so your law firm is putting its best foot forward.

5. SEO Ages Like Fine Wine

One of the best things about SEO is that it ages like fine wine, whereas ads age like milk on the counter. Don't get us wrong, we love a good ads campaign, but the second you stop paying for ads, they stop working.

However, SEO gets better with age and never stops working. The work done on and off your website will continue to work for you long after you pay for them. Time and consistency are SEO's best friends-they build validity and authority, something the Google algorithms love.

How to Pick a Good Law Firm SEO Agency

law firm SEO

There are a few tell-tale signs to look for and look out for when choosing an SEO agency for your law firm.

Look Out for Aggressive Agencies

Aggressive SEO firms are why SEO agencies generally can have a negative reputation. These aggressive agencies are show-offs, make everything about themselves, and promise you the moon with no real strategy on how to do it. They often promise to rank you overnight and are incredibly quick to agree to work with you.

Look for an Agency That Can be Your Co-Pilot

Instead of choosing an aggressive agency, look for one that will come alongside your law firm as a co-pilot, fully understanding it's a long road ahead but one that will bear much fruit if done right and done together.

Does the SEO Agency Understand Law?

Look at their typical client- if they are all plumbing companies, garage door lead gens, or restaurants, they probably don't have the experience they need to help a law firm. Lawyer SEO is an entirely different and highly competitive type of SEO. You need a company that eats, breathes, and lives law.

Does The SEO Agency Care About Your Clients, Too?

A good SEO agency will understand that they are not a big deal; you and your clients are. A good SEO agency will care just as much about your clients as you do. At Sydekar, our team cares about your clients receiving the justice they deserve. Our CEOs have years of experience in the legal field, and their passion trickles down to the rest of the team. We are just as invested in ranking your website as you are. Our team loves to see justice.

Contact Sydekar Today

If you're looking for a long-term SEO agency that understands the law, SEO, and the importance of coming alongside you and your firm- Sydekar is for you. Contact us today, we can't wait to hear from you.

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